An inclusive structure

FABEC incorporates more than 20 partners and organisations from seven countries and different domains. At State level, Ministries of Transport and Defence and National Supervisory Agencies of Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland work closely together. 

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At air navigation service providers’ level, ANA Administration de la Navigation aérienne (LUX), DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (GER), DSNA Direction des services de la Navigation aérienne (FRA), MUAC Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (EUROCONTROL), LVNL Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (NLD), skeyes (BE) and skyguide (CH) are represented. And the military air navigation service providers (skyguide (CH); DFS and the German Air Force (D); the Royal Netherlands Air Force (NL); the Belgian Defence (BE and LUX) and DIRCAM (FR) are designated to provide air navigation services.

At operational level, the Social Dialogue Committee, designated under Single European Sky legislation, ensures ANSPs and staff organisations engage in both formal and informal meetings and workshops to encourage cooperative discussion and mutual understanding of the social impact of FABEC initiatives.

Based on the principles laid down in the FABEC Treaty the main decision body is the FABEC Council in which high-level representatives from all FABEC States meet regularly. This structure is mirrored on the ANSP side by the FSB (FABEC CEO Board) which incorporates the CEOs from all ANSPs. Two permanent bodies – FABEC States Bureau and FABEC ANSP Office – ensure close collaboration.