Time for a more robust and flexible regulatory system

The current regulatory system is based on a five-year planning cycle, a static corrective mechanism, and a traffic forecasting system that provides Europe-wide – rather than local – picture of demand. The service delivered by ANSPs is measured using four key performance indicators in the areas of safety, capacity, flight efficiency and cost efficiency. However there are clear interdependencies between these performance indicators. For example, improvements in cost-efficiency may adversely impact investment in new capacity; arriving on time can be the result of less efficient height profiles; and some filed flight plans can lead to higher emission levels.

Key performance areas have remained unchanged for over a decade and do not adequately address the volatility challenges facing the aviation industry today. There is a strong need to firstly develop new metrics – for instance in the area of environmental performance and arrival punctuality – and to use state-of-the art technologies such as big data and modern statistical methodologies. Secondly, this updated assessment requires a single value chain approach oriented towards the needs of the key stakeholders and the general public.

Research Workshop
Interdependencies within ATM Performance in the Context of a Dynamic Environment
21-23 October 2020

BLUE MED FAB and FABEC initiated this research workshop which brought together industry representatives, researchers and operational delegates. It was organised in partnership with the German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.) and the University of Bologna.

In three sessions 11 presentations were held that have been compiled in a electronic as well as hardcover documentation. Here is the dynamic PDF file that you are welcome to flip through.

If you are (also) interested in receiving a free copy of the book that serves as a compilation of all the papers provided, please, feel free to send us an email: ruediger.mandry[at]

Dynamic PDF
Interdependencies within ATM Performance in the Context of a Dynamic Environment