On time arrival means efficiency and customer satisfaction

Timely, reliable flight schedules ensure passengers reach their destinations on time, build customer confidence and allow the industry to make optimum use of available capacity. FABEC ANSPs work closely with EUROCONTROL Network Manager to manage traffic flows in the most efficient way and minimise delay. When higher than forecast traffic demand stretched airspace management resources in the busy summers of 2018 and 2019, FABEC ANSPs succeeded in improving on-time performance by implementing re-routings and level caps, enabling more aircraft to arrive on time.

As traffic recovers following the pandemic, a long-term solution is needed that fulfils passenger expectations and safeguards against environmental impact. Europe’s Central Office for Delay Analysis (CODA) assesses punctuality by measuring the causes of delay, rather than timely arrivals. Push-back from the parking stand has become more important than aircraft arrivals, even though there are still many factors that continue to influence the flight time. Switching the emphasis from delays to on-time arrival will help deliver a better outcome for the passenger and will require all actors in the aviation chain to work more closely together. 

Since FABEC ANSPs introduced eXtended Arrivals Management (XMAN), holding times have fallen at major airports such as London Heathrow and airlines benefit during the more fuel-efficient cruising phase of flight.